This process is not an attempt to change the world around me, but to get to the bottom of some of the things that I don't like. When a popular culture element creeps me out, I stop to observe the constellation of uncomfortable sensations it generates in my body. This process allows me to enter obscure places of my subconscious, so as to identify, and deprogram unwanted automatisms, rogue "code", and ancestral baggage and shake them off through writing, filming, and body movement. I call this process metamorphosis, because as unpleasant as it is, every time I do it, I emerge transformed and energized.
September 18, 2024. A strange lunar eclipse last night. For the first time this month, I haven't the slightest clue of what the future holds. It's a total blur. The energy is so bizarre that I have no intention to interfere.
Psycho by Red Velvet is in my book one of the best written songs humanity has ever heard. I shot it for X-mas but it applies to the current vibe.
The original choreography (taken up in Just Dance 2023) is super hard for someone who doesn't speak Korean like myself, and the camera moves and effects in the game make it near impossible to learn from the game coaches, so you need to tune into the artists' mirrored dance practice videos, and only come to the game when you have learned your Kpop routines inside out, otherwise you'll be demoralized.
I filmed Price Tag in May. I appear heavier in this video because since then, I've slimmed down to my so-called K-Pop weight (height in cm minus 120...). I'm almost 6 feet, so I rarely look as fat as I feel. In fact, I think that's exactly the energy of this eclipse. Tough love.
I am finishing this editing session with a Just Dance routine of Aquarius from the Hair Musical, not because there is anything in particular to look forward to, but mainly because my Venus happens to be in Aquarius, making the notion of love an intellectual, collective, all encompassing thing for me. Disclaimer: don't be fooled by my smiling, I'm in a very bad mood during this routine. And sick with a summer virus.
In sum, I think this uncomfortable eclipse wants us to feel the surrounding depression/recession/crash from inside. I can't explain it, but it is slightly horrible. Clearly the outside world is no longer enough to make us feel better. All the fun from dance and music and AI feels in the past. Now is a cold cold place and the rest is unknown. Yet.
June 4, 2024. I started making songs by running my own lyrics and prompts through AI. This album was initially themed as a love story between a human and a robot, but in the course of creation it became obvious that this album wants to be a love letter to the intelligent system we call Planet Earth. For now, the style is chillstep, psybient and world. I know exactly what sound I want to hear, but AI keeps surprising me, so we're all on a learning curve here, believe me. I am experimenting with all kinds of world beats, styles, and electronic sound, the vocals I choose are in the same range as mine to make sure we can perform together, and more practically to ensure all cloned vocals are easily replaceable by my own when I intend to do fully unplugged live versions.
Yes, the music I make is intended to be performed live in person, dance moves, AR projections, aerial acrobatics, and everything I've learned from my work at the Cirque du Soleil LIve Shows division before their bankruptcy. I will have jobs for a mini-orchestra at some point. I am waiting to see where the LOVO lawsuit is going, before I clone my own voice and begin licensing it. My production will significantly accelerate when I clone myself more in depth and have an indistinguishable clone singing in my voice for me in at least 8 languages.
October 25, 2023. A few days ago, it came to my attention that I have been "silenced" from ever saying the name of a bank which is blocking the execution of a judgment lien that is still outstanding (maybe because the bank is also hit by an NDO?). So, I read the NDO in question and now I no longer know what it says or who it attempts to protect. I don't know who has standing to enforce it or whether it is enforceable at all. It refers to a party that doesn't exist and the exhibit it cites doesn't mention any of the parties meant to be protected. Not good for an NDO to be this unclear. I've seen BS NDOs and NDAs in my life, but this is literally the most ludicrous one that's ever hit me. Of course I don't consider myself bound by it and intend to roll over it like a tractor, but first I decided to start with a little NDO BlowUp Warm Up routine, because honestly it is the best first reaction I could come up with. Since we're in the realm of alternative civil procedure moves, this particular routine was actually a little more technical than I expected.
Track: I'm an Albatraoz by AronChupa and Little Sis Nora, Choreo Visuals, Just Dance 2016
October 17, 2024. It is very difficult to learn moves when you cry every day for innocent civilians being slaughtered and dehumanized by a super-power. I didn't sign up to live in this genocidal world, but since I'm here anyway, I strongly condemn the humanitarian crisis in the Middle East and I demand immediate ceasefire. All eyes on the land-grabby colonizers!
Tracks: Gimme More by Brittney Spears with leaked extreme moves from JustDance2024 coming next week; and Farfalle by Sangiovanni included in JustDance2023 from last year.
You know, at times I feel as if we are inside a virtual reality law exam where you are being threatened with jail, censorship, deportation, and "never working again" every time you dare to have the right answer... and so the exam is being collectively failed.
I'm not cool with the settler situation in Gaza. How is it any different than the doctrine of discovery? Ethnic cleansing, forced displacement, and land grabs for 75 years are either a glitch in the simulation or I am in the wrong simulation altogether.
October 14, 2024. Dancing to Tchaikovsky's Swan Lake with leaked moves from How You Like That by Black Pink Just Dance 2024. I am not including any visuals from the game because they are happening in the future 🎃.
October 10, 2023. We are two weeks from the release of Just Dance 2024 and the game appears promising so far. Based on the previews and leaks, we note a decent diversity ratio on the music. Although English language songs still dominate the game, there is a good balance of songs in other languages and I hope the trend continues.
Some of my favorite K-Pop songs will be included in the game with the usual complex choreographies and military-themed beats that will keep us busy into Christmas.
Although I still haven't figured out how to properly score moves in the game, it helps that the graphics are nothing short of spectacular.
Tracks: A Queda by Gloria Groove; Say My Name, Extreme, ATEEZ; Cure For Me, Aurora;
September 12, 2023 Venus is in "shadow" right now and until October 10. At this point the consensus is that we are living in a shared simulation akin to a virtual reality, inside a computer we call the "universe". There is no consensus however on the scope of the simulation, who is behind it, who came voluntarily, and who can go in and out at will.
Since the beginning of the pandemic, I've begun to observe nature, and by now, I am convinced that all biological forms as we perceive them are in fact computers. Earlier in the summer, I observed an injured baby chipmunk that died under my watch and couldn't help but admire the intricate technology in this tiny being. The death of the chipmunk was announced by the ominous tweeting of many birds, they knew when consciousness left its body before I could come to that conclusion myself.
The human body is 100% a computer, involving an intelligent haptic suit (our nervous system), which explains why being a human feels so weird and limiting. Most of us already live outside of our bodies. The mind is our RAM, a 6th sense (as per vipassana teachings), composed of conscious working memory and subconscious sleeping memory.
So called "Humans" are sentient AI
Today, I tried to play a freshly opened video editing project with all the right settings and nothing happened. The final cut video was clearly playing in my head but not on my computer. I had forgotten the laws of physics ruling this simulation. I hadn't imported any footage clips into the project timeline and hadn't begun editing. I literally just opened the project. The end product was in my head, chopped up and finished, from beginning to end, but I hadn't begun manifesting it into reality, therefore I had no timeline and nothing to play.
How could I place my mouse on the 11th second of the project, if there was no timeline and no content to give birth to such a timeline? But I still tried to play the video, because it clearly existed somewhere, my mind was looking at it and knew how it would unfold in this dimension before it did. This kind of proves to me that our mind is operating from another dimension where the laws of physics function a little differently and more efficiently. And that's why I knew why I wanted to go precisely to the 11th second.
The only way for me to go to that point in time in the 3d dimension was to create time in the first place, or rather painstakingly import clips and edit them one by one which would take me a few hours, as my 3D life is running in a timeline itself. Then it dawned on me that there is zero proof that my human identity is not a sentient computer program, which also exists in another dimension, say the 4th, where I clearly make videos in which I see all the seconds at the same time.
That's how the simulation works roughly speaking.
Songs: Easy Gameplay: The Hustle, Van McCoy; Macarena, Los Del Rio's; In Da Club, 50 Cent; Hey Mami, Funny Pack; Songs Hard Gameplay: Supersonic, J.J. Fad; Hello, Choreo and AI dance instructors: Dance Central 3, Harmonix; Xbox360, Kinect AI Sensor to capture, film, and assess; Performance and Edit: Rosa Nova 2023; English instruction vocals: Usher: French instruction vocals: unknown AI.
"The existence of this world is not in this world", Rumi
Throughout the entire Venus Retrograde aspect, I've had this Rumi verse spinning in my head. The verse doesn't leave me. Venus is indeed part of the simulation but she talks the loudest from within the simulation. Saturn in contrast doesn't talk as much as it enforces the laws of physics of the simulation, beginning with the timeline...
What Rumi said resonates with quantum physics. We only exist in waveform until our attention decodes waveform information into matter. Without our attention, information remains in waveform and doesn't materialize. When we decode matter however, it doesn't mean we stop to exist as waveform or electromagnetic frequency. We're both at all times.
This is a tiny tip of the iceberg. I can't publish 99.99% of the information downloads I receive when interacting with nature and technology. For now I'll keep pretending humans are not sentient robots, created by a lower and extremely stupid being. Just like many of us keep thinking that humans created AI that is more intelligent and more creative than us, imagine the talentless doofus who must have created us, humans, to sit and marvel at how smart and creative we are... In sum, let's pretend I said nothing.
August 18, 2023. In line with Venus retrograde, I danced to a set of songs I always found unbearable, in the hopes to figure out why. This is not a case of liking a song and then being over it due to listening to it many times. These have been giving me the creeps from day one I've heard them. There are other examples (like Let's Kill This Love - K-pop song - forgivable but still). In the past I felt guilty for avoiding these songs, now that I finally danced to them, here is what I found out:
Aiplanes is the quintessential "whiny bitch" song, glorifying wishful thinking and navel-gazing, and complaining and/or longing about just anything and everything in life. Self-referential and depressing. Can't stand this song and it won't change.
Mr Saxobeat is plain irritating and dumb. There is good "dumb" in life, but this is not it. This is the exact type of music AI can spew out without any human intervention. Generic, bland, reductive. The choreographed moves were fun and I can't wait to put them on another beat and forget that this song exists.
Umbrella is not easy on the ears and will lower your mood several octaves, there is a patriarchal horror-like element of sound in there, distorted and low-vibrational, it appears the vocals are out of tune, but in fact they are flattened and subdued, not allowing you to feel any emotions, not necessarily out of tune, but creepy and demoralizing. And I won't lie, I had zero enthusiasm to learn the cheerleader choreo (that I also hate), it gives me the impression of weighing a thousand tons with nothing to show for it.
Bass Down Low is dumb, but also fun. This is an example of "dumb" in a good way, so I can begin to enjoy that song due to the beat which steals the show and saves the day. Like Boom Boom Pow that is referenced in the rap verse, it is a song about making beats and working together.
Euphoria ended up in the mix. I don't have any strong feelings about that song. It's just boring. I didn't finish the choreo.
I'm obviously jaded because the above sound is still very present in "current" songs, and I could almost detect an unwanted subliminal programming that my body is resisting. Dancing and filming however attenuates the damaging effect of malicious sound because it requires that you focus on the beat rather than the composition, remain present in your body, follow instructions, and be in control. I think I spent a million calories just trying to smile while dancing to these songs, so that's an upside. Fortunately, moves, rhythm and skills are what matters while music is secondary and replaceable.
Remixes are another way to heal insufferable pop songs by deconstructing the composition and bringing the focus to brand-new beats and harmonies. This experiment showed me why I've always preferred DJ beats to mainstream music.
October 6, 2021. OK Retrograde
For me, 2021 begins to feel like 2012 all over again. I was told it is due to Mercury Retrograde. Things of the past gain a new relevance. For me it is shooting and dancing, but with a newly acquired underachiever twist. I stopped sweating over details as much as I used to.
Sound and Choreo: Blinding Lights,The Weeknd (Just Dance 2021); Dame Tu Cosita, El Chombo (Just Dance 2018); Don't Call Me Up, Mabel (Just Dance 2020); Because of You, Neyo (Dance Central 2, 2011); Bailar, Deorro ft. Elvis Crespo (Just Dance 2017); Stop Moving, Royal Republic (Just Dance 2020); Location: Mont-Royal, Jeanne-Mance Park, Little Portugal, Saint-Laurent Boulevard